Thursday, January 31, 2008


Yes our lil angel is four months old! Crazy how the time just flies by! Well its been an interesting couple days to say the least! First off Heather had a cold sop we went into the doctors Saturday! Then the snow on sunday was crazy! Then monday our lil angel rolled off the couch- OUCH ( I know I beat my self up for this one for hours, but apparently it wont be the last time)! Then tuesday our lil baby girl got her shots and turned 4 months old:(! Double OUCH! MAn did this lil girl scream and scream and scream..... all day long, even with Tylenol! Then she had a fever all day and night- and if your wondering-NO she didn't sleep at all! SO she had a fever- a cough- sneezing- and ouchy legs! Not exactly the big month mark I had hoped for! On the upper side: We did try rice cereal and Heather loved to use the spoon but wasn't sure how to swallow! Dad and mom had a good much needed laugh! Also heather is now climbing the percent ladder! She is 30% weight and 23% height! Sadly she's only in the 1% in her head circ,! She is Gaining lots of weight! Well then her fever didn't go away yesterday so we went into the docs again and he said her ear looked inflamed so heather is now on 5 drugs! On a cute note Heather was so doped up she passed out in her high chair! Another first! I remember when my friends kids would do that- specially lil Ty- and I loved it- now my baby girl did it- I just kept giggling when I looked at her! The past four months have been wonderful!


Amanda said...

She is so precious! I always say being pregnant seems like an eternity, but when they're here, it flys by so quickly!

Patti Smith said...

Cute pics! She is getting so big! It is fun to watch them pass through the milestones!

Aston said...

My goodness. I love the snowsuit pic and of course sleeping in the highchair is the best. Emma just fell asleep during dinner in her chair. Ty started giggling when he saw her. Fun to see the pics!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness Heather is SOO cute! I'm sad that I haven't even seen you guys yet!! I don't have a blog, but I always get on to look at Bo and Cassidy, and now I can look at your cute family! haha. Anyway, she's just precious! :) Take care and keep posting pictures!
Amanda Beus

Ashley Rae said...

She's adorable- I love the snowsuit. 4 months, huh? Man.. time flies. It won't be long before she's running around, dressing up and TALKING BACK! Haha
Girls are the best.

Anonymous said...

I love the first picture!! Babies are so cute when they are asleep!
By the way, I have something I just put in my blog you might be interested in :)

Emily Rasmussen said...

It dose go fast! I have only had my babies fall asleep in their high chair once. I wish it would happen more because it is so adorable! She is so pretty!

Alisha Marlatt said...

Hey Cami, I tagged you so if you want to, you can check out my blog and then do one of yours. Don't feel obligated though.